Five Pathways to Carbon-free Innovation Landscapes in Europe
By Anke Hassel and Bruno Palier The transformation towards carbon-free and balanced economic growth is not an end to itself. The authors present five helpful policy approaches.
A new media age demands new strategies for fighting fascism
By John Nichols Democracy, we are told, prevailed with the defeat of Donald Trump in the fall of 2020. So let us pop the champagne corks and celebrate a new age of radical progress, right? Wrong.
Momentum for change: Defining a decade of progress – Summit paper
The Summit Paper lays a foundation for the discussions at the Progressive Governance Digital Summit 2021. Take a look!
Democracy, activism and the rule of law are our key weapons against fascism. Learn to wield them!
By Paul Mason Modern fascism is on the rise, and it is highly adapted to the conditions of the modern world, says Paul Mason. Defeating it requires militant, democratic means.
When everyone thinks they’re middle-class
By Luna Bellani, Nona Bledow, Marius Busemeyer and Guido Schwerdt New Policy Paper about (Mis-) Perceptions of inequality and why they matter for social policy
Is there momentum for change before the German election 2021?
By Das Progressive Zentrum & Civey Representative survey shows desire for political change and a new style of politics before the German election 2021.
Democracy as a Dictatorship of Comparisons
By Ivan Krastev In this article, Ivan Krastev explores how - due to the Covid-19 pandemic - comparison has become a distinct feature of government accountability.
A Transatlantic View on Joe Biden’s First 100 Days
By Das Progressive Zentrum What is the state of democracy in the United States and the transatlantic partnership 100 days after Joe Biden's election?
Campaigning on a centre-left platform amid a pandemic
By Das Progressive Zentrum As part of year-round activities complementing the annual Progressive Governance Summit, Das Progressive Zentrum invited two Dutch experts to discuss take-aways from Europe’s first key parliamentary election this year.
What’s at stake – six scenarios for 2025
The Summit Paper of the Progressive Governance Digital Summit 2020 described 6 scenarios for the year 2025. Read it now!