
Crashing the Party: New Voices for Resilient Partisan Politics

13 October 2022 I 12:15 - 13:30 (CEST) | Room Brussels

Crashing the Party: New Voices for Resilient Partisan Politics
9 September, 2022

Crashing the Party: New Voices for Resilient Partisan Politics

Co-Designed by:

About the Session

One term in office is often not enough to implement meaningful social and economic reform. However, building sustainable political movements and parties is even more challenging. Internal partisan transitions of power are hardly smooth and balancing existing institutional knowledge with fresh, modern approaches to politics is difficult. Most pressing is how can our political parties not only reflect our society but also fight for rights and democratic values that have been actively attacked and undermined? This session will debate how political parties can be more inclusive and in doing so more sustainable, reflective of our societies, and ultimately more impactful in bringing about social justice for all.

The Speakers

Chair of Democrats Abroad
Director of Policy and Stakeholder Relations at Broadbent Institute
Vice-Chair of the Social Democratic Party (ČSSD), Czech Republic
Member of the German Parliament, Free Democratic Party
Member of the German Parliament, Alliance 90/The Greens
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