
From Dependency to Sovereignty: Progressive Leadership in a New Era of Globalization (Invite Only)

13 October 2022 I 12:15 - 13:30 (CEST) | Room Brussels

From Dependency to Sovereignty: Progressive Leadership in a New Era of Globalization (Invite Only)
9 September, 2022

From Dependency to Sovereignty: Progressive Leadership in a New Era of Globalization (Invite Only)

About the Session

Freedom is more important than free trade`` said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at Davos 2022. Russia's war on Ukraine has blatantly shown that the EU's and particularly Germany's belief in trade as a guarantor for peace was misdirected, to say the least. At the same time, Russia's aggression has revitalised the unity of the EU as well as the idea of European sovereignty. One of the keys to making the EU more sovereign lies in diversifying its trade relations and supply of raw materials and vital goods. While some experts call for de-coupling and reshoring, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz advocated a “smart globalisation”. What is the right path for the European Union to take here? What unholy alliances do we need to drive back to decrease dependencies? And what new alliances do we need to build to increase sovereignty?
While some experts call for de-coupling and reshoring, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz advocated a “smart globalisation”. What is the right path for the European Union to take here? What unholy alliances do we need to drive back to decrease dependencies? And what new alliances do we need to build to increase sovereignty?The Zeitenwende also raises the question of which partners Europe will rely on in the future. How can we ensure that we do not make the same mistakes as we did with Russia when we now rely on alliances with the Arab states, for example? What should be the role of the European Union and what reforms are necessary to ensure that common values are clarified and adhered to - not only politically, but also economically?

The Speakers

Member of the German Parliament, Alliance 90/The Greens
Member of the German Parliament, Free Democratic Party
Member of the German Parliament, Social Democratic Party
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