
Future of Democracy

13 October 2022 I 15:30 - 16:15 (CEST) | Main Stage Berlin

Future of Democracy
15 September, 2022

Future of Democracy

Co-Designed by:

About the Session

Across Europe and North America, illiberal movements have seeped into democratic institutions and governing political parties. As they continue to gain traction, they actively attack democratic values and undermine democratic processes. To prevent even more harm from far-right extremism, winning elections is now the bare minimum. Once in office, progressives need to actively protect and expand everything from voting rights to civil society. With the January 6th Committee meeting for likely the last time, Congressman Lamb and Federal Minister Paus will discuss how progressives can make government work, when so many want it to fail.

The Speakers

Foreign Editor at DIE ZEIT
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Democratic Party
Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Germany
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