Lajla Fetic is Senior Expert Tech Governance and Digital Policy and Co-Lead of the project “reframe[Tech]” in the program “Digitalization and the Common Good” at the Bertelsmann Stiftung. Here she is responsible for work on the control and regulation of algorithms and artificial intelligence. She led the further development of the Algo.Rules and developed practice guides for the implementation of AI ethics principles in companies and digital administrations. She also contributed co-authored and project manager on an AI Ethics Impact Group study on the AI ethics label. In 2021, she was named one of the 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics for her work. She is also a lecturer and teaches courses on “Digital Ethics”, which focus on the social impact of technology. Prior to this, Lajla Fetic worked on the topics of digitization and automation, as a researcher and consultant for the public sector and NGOs, for the Berlin-based think tank “Stiftung Neue Verantwortung” and for an international public sector consultancy. She holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the Hertie School – with an exchange semester at Sciences Po Paris and a focus on digital governance and public sector innovation.