Laleh Khalili is a professor of international politics at Queen Mary University of London. In her first two books, Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine: the Politics of National Commemoration (Cambridge 2007) and Time in the Shadows: Confinement in Counterinsurgency (Stanford 2013), as well as in a volume she co-edited with Jillian Schwedler, titled Policing and Prisons in the Middle East: Formations of Coercion (Hurst 2010) she has examined the representations and practices of violence . Her most recent book, Sinews of War and Trade (Verso 2020) examines the role of maritime infrastructures as conduits of movement of technologies, capital, people and cargo. She is currently working on a larger project about the lifeworlds of petroleum. The project will range across the decades and continents to examine how the production of and trade in oil and gas has transformed regimes of labour and property, international law, insurance and finance, and science and technology.